all postcodes in PH35 / INVERGARRY

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Postcode Area

PH / Perth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PH35 4HA 16 0 57.068024 -4.801451
PH35 4HB 20 0 57.068505 -4.800447
PH35 4HD 8 0 57.10905 -5.386644
PH35 4HG 43 7 57.068853 -4.817386
PH35 4HH 7 0 57.068925 -4.803366
PH35 4HJ 1 1 57.069719 -4.794384
PH35 4HL 23 2 57.070504 -4.787398
PH35 4HN 18 3 57.097188 -4.734378
PH35 4HT 8 1 57.104157 -4.721422
PH35 4HP 25 1 57.06702 -4.800929
PH35 4HR 33 1 57.072546 -4.980472
PH35 4HS 18 1 57.067562 -5.087844
PH35 4HW 1 1 57.069278 -4.777868
PH35 4JN 3 0 57.085362 -5.513812
PH35 4WW 1 57.068227 -4.803627
PH35 4AA 0 57.069581 -4.795727